Monday, 20 February 2012

Finding a good accident claims solicitor

Being involved in an accident can be frightening. But if the accident was not your fault and has caused you to suffer an injury, you may wish to look around for a good accident claims solicitor. So what kind of qualities should you look out for?

A sympathetic ear
In order to formulate your claim, you may have to tell your lawyer all about your medical history and current state of health. You may also have to disclose details about who your dependants are, and how much you earn.

Given that this is quite personal information, your lawyer needs to have a sympathetic ear. Accident victims react to their injuries in different ways, and you may find that someone who treats you sensitively may make the experience less stressful.

A good communicator
The law involved with the claims procedure may seem as though it is full of jargon. But you need a lawyer who can explain it to you in a clear and concise manner, in language that you can understand. At Bentley Accident Claims we speak your language, and know how important it is that you are comfortable with what is happening at every step of the way.

A specialist in their field
Dealing with accident compensation claims is a specialist area in terms of law and procedures. Accordingly, you may wish to check that your solicitor is a specialist in this field.

A strong negotiator
Your compensation lawyer will represent you in negotiations with the party who was at fault. If the other party admits liability, or does not admit liability but decides to settle the claim, he or she will be responsible for securing an appropriate amount of compensation.

Accordingly, your claims solicitor needs to be a robust character who is able to secure the largest sum possible.

The right funding option for you
Finally, you may be nervous about approaching an accident claims solicitor if you are not sure how the process will be paid for. You may wish to ask your lawyer about a no win no fee arrangement. This is a scheme where the lawyer bears the risk of your claim. So if your claim is not successful, there is nothing for you to pay, but if you win compensation, the party that caused your accident may be responsible for your fees.