As we are coming out of the depths of winter, it may be important to remember that accidents may still be a little more commonplace until the warmer weather truly arrives. That is not to say, however, that negligence may not sometimes play a part - and that is why consulting accident claims solicitors might prove to be important:
- nobody disputes that occasionally an accident may happen in which there is no clear liability - and that may be particularly the case when there is a lot of ice, snow and sleet around;
- yet sometimes the fact that winter is doing its worst is not an adequate explanation for why an accident took place;
- for example, it may not be a company’s fault that severe cold weather caused stairs in their premises to freeze over but before opening to the public, it may very well have been their legal responsibility to ensure that those stairs were adequately de-iced and made safe for public use;
- there may be a tendency for people who are responsible for an accident to attempt to dismiss it as just one of those things and attributable to the weather, however, qualified accident solicitors may be able to objectively analyse the position and establish whether or not that is the case and whether or not you are eligible for compensation;
- at Bentley Accident Claims our qualified and specialist solicitors will be very happy to help you understand whether or not you were really an unfortunate victim of bad luck or in fact, one of negligence on the part of another party;
- if it is a case of the latter, our solicitors will be willing to work with you to help progress accident compensation claims that might help you to secure a sum of money that will aid the progress of your recovery;
- in the United Kingdom we have an admirably long tradition of trying to understand the other person’s position and of seeking to avoid recriminations. The law, however, permits you to seek just recompense if you have suffered injuries as a result of another party and this may be in your best interests and those of your family;
- accident claims solicitors may be key in helping you to achieve this and if you have suffered an accident, so taking their advice sooner rather than later may be advisable.